What does trauma informed therapy mean?
Verbal interventions (left brain) alone are not effective. The right brain is how we interpret the non-verbal, emotional and social cues of others. These are sensory. They can be visceral, energetic and holistic overall perceptions of both body sensations and body movements. They can include facial expressions, gestures and the tone of voice we hear in others. All of this information teaches us to empathize, connect and relate to others. When we work with people whose experiences impact their day to day functioning, sometimes a different or integrated approach is required.
Adults as well as children benefit from "trauma informed" therapy. Research is now supporting that interventions that utilize art, play, yoga or mindfulness training including neurofeedback can help in ways that verbal interventions alone cannot. Each MPTC clinician already has a primary designation! By engaging in our workshops you are seeking additional tools and ways of neurodevelopmantally being with your clients. To find out more about Play Therapy, upcoming workshops of the MPTC Director please visit the MORE tab.
Brain photo courtesy of www.modup.net/